It is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by redness, flaking and swelling of the skin. Stress and infections can trigger flare-ups.
Psoriasis is a genetic disease that manifests itself with scaly rashes, red and raised lesions on the skin. Psoriasis occurs when the immune system rapidly produces skin cells. This disease can be triggered by factors such as stress, infections or environmental factors.
In the treatment of psoriasis, topical treatments are the first options. Medications such as corticosteroids, vitamin D analogs and tar therapy reduce inflammation and flaking of the skin. In severe cases, phototherapy (UV light therapy) or biological therapy can be applied. Biological drugs control the course of the disease by targeting the immune system.
Regular skin care, stress management and healthy lifestyle habits are important factors in the treatment process of psoriasis. A detailed preliminary examination is of great importance before aesthetic surgeries. Specialist Dr. Kamile Demirci can guide you in the best way possible during this process with her expertise and experience. You can reach us via the contact information below to make a preliminary examination appointment.